Home > Cuban Cigars > Fonseca Cigars > Fonseca No. 1 Cigar - 1 Single
  • Fonseca No. 1 Cigar - 1 Single

Fonseca No. 1 Cigar - 1 Single

Price: $32.22
Length: 6.375 inches
Ring: 43
weight: 0.05 kg
smoke time: 45 minutes

Price for Fonseca No. 1 Cigar - 1 Single is $32.22. The length of the Fonseca No. 1 Cigar is 6.375 inches. The diameter of Fonseca No. 1 Cigar is 43 ring gauge. The Fonseca No. 1 Cigar weight 0.05 kg. The smoking time of this Fonseca No. 1 Cigar is about 45 minutes. The size of this Fonseca No. 1 Cigar is 1 Single.

Don Francisco Fonseca founded his brand in the 1890's. 

A handsome man, who cared deeply for appearances, he passed his sartorial precision on to his cigars, which he dressed in a silky tissue paper - a tradition that continues to this day on all the Habanos that bear his name. 

Fonseca's delicate blend of filler and binder tobaccos from the Vuelta Abajo zone makes it the ideal Habano to follow a light meal. 

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