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TIME:January 31, 2023   Author:CigarQuery
Misfit (Discontinued)

Misfit (Discontinued)

Misfit was a technology company that produced wearable fitness trackers and smartwatches. It was founded in 2011 by Sonny Vu, Sridhar Iyengar, and John Sculley. Misfit's first product, Shine, launched via an Indiegogo campaign in 2012. Misfit's products were designed to be fashionable and functional, appealing to consumers who wanted to track their fitness without sacrificing style. Misfit quickly gained a reputation as an innovative and exciting player in the wearable technology market.

In 2015, Fossil Group acquired Misfit for $260 million, with the aim of competing with other tech giants like Apple and Fitbit in the wearable technology market. Fossil's acquisition of Misfit was seen as a positive move for the brand, as it would give the company access to Fossil's extensive distribution network and marketing resources.

Despite the acquisition, Misfit struggled to compete with other players in the wearable technology market. Apple continued to dominate the smartwatch market, while Fitbit's fitness trackers remained popular with consumers. Misfit's products were well-received by critics but were not able to capture a significant market share. In 2019, Fossil Group announced that it would be discontinuing the Misfit brand, with its remaining inventory being sold through its existing channels.

The discontinuation of Misfit was not entirely unexpected, as there had been rumors for some time that Fossil Group was considering scaling back its wearable technology efforts. Misfit's demise can be seen as a cautionary tale for other players in the wearable technology market. Despite significant investment and innovation, the market remained dominated by a few key players, with smaller brands struggling to gain a foothold.

While Misfit may have been unsuccessful in the wearable technology market, the name lives on in other sectors. Aaron Sigmond, a cigar aficionado and author, launched SIGARWEAR in recent years. SIGARWEAR is a collection of cigars that bear the Misfit name. The cigars are designed to appeal to both cigar enthusiasts and fans of the Misfit brand.

In conclusion, Misfit was a promising player in the wearable technology market, with innovative and stylish products that appealed to consumers. However, it was ultimately unable to compete with larger brands like Apple and Fitbit. The discontinuation of the Misfit brand serves as a cautionary tale for other players in the wearable technology market, highlighting the challenges faced by smaller brands trying to compete against established players. While Misfit may no longer exist in the tech world, its name lives on in the world of cigars.

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