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TIME:January 31, 2023   Author:CigarQuery
Reverse Calabash

Reverse Calabash

Reverse Calabash: A Modern Twist on a Classic Design

The Calabash pipe design has been around for centuries, characterized by its rounded curved shape and distinct second chamber that enhances the smoking experience. However, with the introduction of the Reverse Calabash, the traditional design has been given a modern twist.

The first iteration of the Reverse Calabash was released years ago, with a more recent release being the second edition Missouri Meerschaum Reverse Calabash. However, the first ever Reverse Calabash was actually released by Paronelli as a way to recreate the same type of smoking experience as a traditional Calabash pipe without the need for the pumpkin-like expansion chamber.

The concept behind a Reverse Calabash is to draw the smoke into a second chamber before it travels up the stem. Unlike the traditional Calabash, where the smoke is drawn from the bowl into a second chamber and then into the stem, in a Reverse Calabash, the smoke is drawn directly into the second chamber. This design results in a cooler and smoother smoking experience.

One example of a Reverse Calabash is the Briar Bird, available on the Tobacco Pipe Collectors website. This double chambered pipe features a straight stem and a unique, curved bowl shape that allows for easy smoking. Additionally, the pipe has a rusticated finish that adds a rustic touch to the overall design.

Another example is the Sam Cui Reverse Calabash, also available on the same website. Originating from China, this pipe features an intricate carving on the bowl and stem and has a distinctive double chamber design that enhances the smoking experience.

The “Yes No Reverse Calabash” is a newer concept that has gained popularity in recent years. This design provides the same smoking experience as a traditional Calabash pipe through a smaller, more portable form factor. Unlike traditional Calabash pipes, a “Yes No Reverse Calabash” does not require the use of a Meerschaum gourd insert. Instead, the design uses specially curved bowls and stems to recreate the same smoking experience.

In conclusion, the Reverse Calabash is an excellent option for those who prefer a Calabash-style smoking experience with a modern twist. Whether you prefer a double chambered pipe with a rustic finish or an intricately carved design from China, there is a Reverse Calabash pipe available for everyone’s taste. Additionally, with the newer “Yes No Reverse Calabash” designs, there are options for those who want the traditional smoking experience in a more portable and accessible form.

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